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An image of colourful feathers hanging from a wooden pole created by Helium Arts participants on a blue and green painted background

Ennis Autumn Camp 2024


Get inspired!

Our learning bank for parents includes creative resources to try out with children in hospital and health settings, informed by arts-based activities on our programmes.

Hear from parents who have taken part on our projects and learn about the many ways creativity enhances the healthcare experience for children.

‘This activity was great to get Josh out of bed. It captured his imagination in his love for quests and computer games. You made his day today; he’s still talking about it.’

– Josh mum’s Kelly. Josh took part in the Temple of Treasures game event at Temple Street Children’s University Hospital in 2017.

‘The workshop was amazing. My daughter came home telling stories about Fluffy (the puppet) having epilepsy like her. I came away with a light heart and a happy head.’

– Parent taking part in Fluffy and Friends puppet workshops with Epilepsy Ireland