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Fireflies Toolkit

The Fireflies Toolkit is a fun creative resource for teens aged 13 – 17yrs who are moving from child to adult health services in the process called Transition.

During a three year artist residency project, in Temple Street University Hospital, Helium Art’s ‘Fireflies’ artists Rachel Tynan and Siobhan Clancy explored how the arts can support young people living with long-term health conditions during this transition. The artists looked at how creativity can support independence, help with making decisions, support better communication and improve self-esteem.

Rachel and Siobhan chatted with lots of young people, living with long-term health conditions, who generously shared their health experiences. Hearing from young people about the challenges of moving to adult health services helped the artists and Helium Arts to develop the Fireflies Toolkit that could help with those challenges and help in the journey towards independence.

We hope these activities will help you as you prepare for your Transition.  Click below to start your creative journey!

The Fireflies Toolkit was supported by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) as part of What Works, funded by the Dormant Accounts and administered by Tusla.

Watch our short animated video.

How to Use the Fireflies Toolkit

  1. Play the toolkits instructional video

  2. Download and print a template

  3. Get creative and make your toolkit

  4. Share your creations online with the #fireflymakes

Memories & Reflections

These activities provide a way of remembering things that you experienced in paediatric or child health services and a way of thinking about who you are now as a young adult.

Time Out Cup

Design your own Time Out Cup and chill!

Time Capsule

Celebrate the past and look to the future with the Time Capsule

Dreaming & Planning

These activities provide a way of thinking about the future, making plans and getting organised to take responsibility for your own health.

You don’t have to do all the activities; the Toolkit is designed to allow you to
choose at least one

Field of Dreams

Meet your goals, literally, with the Field of Dreams


Live your Best Life with Challenger

Calendar Book

Plan what you need to do

Show us Your New Creations

Post your creations and process pictures to social media with the hashtag #Fireflymakes and connect with and see what everyone else is making.

[instagram-feed type="hashtag" hashtag="#fireflymakes" num=6 nummobile=3]


Produced by Helium Arts, the Fireflies Project was funded by the BNP Paribas Foundation’s ‘Dream Up’ programme. Other participating hospitals included the National Children’s Hospital, Tallaght, and Midland Regional Hospital, Tullamore. 

Funded by the Department of Children & Youth Affairs as part of What Works, funded by the Dormant Accounts and administered by Tusla, the Fireflies Toolkit brings together learning and resources developed through the project in Temple Street Children’s University Hospital, with further support from the Midlands Regional Hospital, Mullingar, and Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin.

Artists: Rachel Tynan & Siobhan Clancy

Designer: Éilís Murphy, Folded Leaf

Animator: Pádraig Fagan, Paper Panther Productions

Videography: Giant Studios

Project Managers: Monica Flynn & Emma Eager

With special thanks to: the young people who contributed their ideas and experiences to the design of the Toolkit and associate resources; Electric Feathers Youth Arts Group; Helen Corrigan, Trudi Meehan & Young People at Wexford CAMHS; Brenda Ryan, Patient Advocacy & Corporate Services Manager OLCHC & the National Children’s Hospital Youth Advisory Committee; Bernie Kennedy & Staff & Young People at Midlands Regional Hospital, Mullingar; Prof. Declan Cody (Consultant Endocrinologist) & Vincent McDarby (Senior Clinical Health Psychologist), Staff and Outpatients at the Diabetes & Endocrine Unit, Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin; Eddie Daly, IBM Design Thinking Practitioner; and last but not least, the Helium Arts Youth Advisory Group and artist Ciara Harrison.