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An image of young participant of Helium Arts admiring a large painting in Limerick City Gallery of Art

An image of young participant of Helium Arts admiring a large painting in Limerick City Gallery of Art

Opportunities for Young People

On this page you’ll find opportunities and call-outs for children and young people that we share as they arise.

These are not always related to Helium Arts, but are exciting opportunities for children and young people across the arts, health and youth sectors!

Take Part in Our 2024 Survey

Are you aged 13-25 and living with a lifelong physical health condition?

We want to hear your voice! We’re running a survey to learn more about how young people like you view and experience youth participation. Your feedback will help shape the Helium Arts Youth Participation Framework and ensure we better support your involvement and amplify your voice.

The survey takes about 10 minutes and is completely confidential.

Complete the survey

What: The National Youth Assembly of Ireland
Who: Young People Aged 12-24 years
Deadline: Young people can inquire at any time

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth is seeking nominations from organisations for delegates to the National Youth Assembly of Ireland. Established in 2022, the Assembly is a Government of Ireland is an overarching structure that captures and shares with Government the voices of young people in Ireland and the issues that are important to them.

The Assembly is recruiting their third group of sitting delegates. A total of 60 young people will be selected. Nominees must be between 12-24 years old and will be invited to sit for a term of two years, commencing in February 2025 and ending in February 2027. There will be 4 assemblies maximum per year, as well as other opportunities in which delegates can take part.

Two young people may be nominated per organisation. The application can be found here, and the closing date is 12 noon on 27 January, 2025.

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For more details, contact Stephanie Cook at stephanie.cook@youthparticipation.ie or 086-6017337.

What: Belong To Youth Groups for LGBT+ Young People Online and In-Person
Who: LGBT+ Young People age 10-24
Deadline: Young people can inquire at any time

Belong To is the National Youth LGBT+ Organisation. They facilitate a range of youth groups online and in-person which provide a safe space for LGBTQ+ young people age 10-24 to develop friendships, get support and belong. These groups are ran by qualified and experienced Youth Workers, and new young people are welcome. Activities and programmes range from pizza nights and special events to information nights on a range of LGBTQ+ topics – determined by the group members.

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