Listening and imagining on a music session with Sean Carpio on our 2018 project with CanTeen Ireland, the national young people's cancer support group.
Two Suitcases
On Helium’s award-winning film, music and art project for teenagers living with chronic illness, participants collaborate with professional filmmakers, musicians and visual artists on developing and making their own work.
Since 2012, we have partnered with a number of support organisations on the project including CanTeen Ireland, the national young people’s cancer support group, Epilepsy Ireland and Diabetes Ireland.
‘Doing the project was really good because it made us feel normal, not sick kids having a little bit of fun. It felt like us teenagers are in control of what we want to come up with.’ – Participant on our Two Suitcases project in partnership with CanTeen Ireland, the national young people's cancer support group