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‘Where are we now?’ – Symposium agenda

‘Where are we now?’ – A symposium examining arts for children in hospital within the context of the Puppet Portal Project
Friday, October 28th @ The Ark, Dublin


10.30: Tea/coffee – registration and pre-event bookmaking activity

11.00: Overview of the day and introductions

11.30: Setting the Context: key perspectives on the Puppet Portal Project
Speaker 1 – Helene Hugel, Helium, project overview
Speaker 2 – Paula Hicks, Centre for Health Informatics TCD, technological perspective
Speaker 3 – Mary O’Connor, CEO Children in Hospital Ireland, child’s perspective

12.10: Presentations
Presentation 1 – Una Jordan (hospital play specialist) and Sally Maidment (artist), A Puppet Portal Journey, a co-presentation from the perspectives of an artist and a healthcare professional examining the initial expectations and objectives, the practicalities of the residency, and recommendations for the planning of future arts projects in the hospital environment.
Presentation 2 – Siobhan Clancy (artist) ‘Where are we going?’ Directions in Open Heart Surgery, A presentation reflecting on the personal experience of Siobhán Clancy and the questions raised through interaction with healthcare services, including the Puppet Portal Project.

1.10: Lunch & a chance to view some of the work from the Puppet Portal Project.

2.00: Workshops: with artists from the Puppet Portal Project. Participants will be invited to take part in one workshop on the day.
1. Magical Doors: Portals in and out of the children’s ward
Artists – Anna Rosenfelder + Emma Fisher
A hands-on workshop that allows you to experience some of the Puppet Portal Projects “central processes”.
2.Adapting technology
Artist – Siobhán Clancy
This workshop will offer suggestions on potential arts activities incorporating technology for children and young people and tips on how to facilitate them.
3. Creating space
Artist – Eszter Némethi
In this practical workshop we will look at various different type of puppet stages and will explore the ways they can work in the various health care settings to focus the attention of children and act as an open invitation for play.
4. Chinese Dragons & Ming Vases
Artists – Sally Maidment, Fionnula Conway (musician) and Una Jordan (play specialist)
Participants will make a simple dragon cuff puppet and drawings, working with musical instruments.The puppets will then be used to explore a variety of storytelling techniques.

3.00: Group reflections

3.45: Open Plenary – Chair and panel discussions

4.30: End


Chair: Martin Drury, Arts Director at the Arts Council
Dr. Emma Curtis, Medical Director of the New Children’s Hospital
Dr. Veronica Lambert, Lecturer in the School of Nursing at DCU
Denis Roche, Curating Artist of the Open Window Project at St. James’s Hospital
Dr. David Vaughan, Directorate of Quality & Clinical Care at the HSE
Ray Yeates, Dublin City Council Arts Officer.

For further information on the Speakers and Panel click here


Siobhán Clancy, Anna Rosenfelder, Sally Maidment, Eszter Nemethi,
Emma Fisher, Fionnuala Conway, Niamh Lawlor, Helene Hugel

For further information on the artists click here