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Image of the Bedtime Adventures installation featuring Green trees against a night time background with a white crescent shaped moon hanging above the trees. Surounded by performers and an audience of families and children watching on.

Helium Arts Bedtime Adventures Instatllation

‘Bedtime Adventures’A Magical Sensory Journey for Young Children and Families Across Ireland

We are delighted to showcase ‘Bedtime Adventures’, an immersive sensory experience for families with young children with lifelong health conditions, that toured Galway, Limerick and Cork earlier this year.

Bedtime Adventures was a Helium Arts production, devised and designed by artistic director Joanna Williams and artist Orla Kelly in collaboration with That’s Life, an arts and personal development programme of the Brothers of Charity Services, Galway.

Watch this video to immerse yourself in this fantastic experience:

A huge congratulations to the entire team whose hard work made it such a wonderful and unique experience and to everyone who came along and brought this dreamscape to life. Thanks also to all those who attended and brought so much magic to the production.

‘Bedtime Adventures’ was commissioned as part of ART:2023, a Decade of Centenaries collaboration from The Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media

Thanks also to our fantastic venues Cue One Ireland.-Claregalway, Dance Limerick and Mayfield Arts in Cork.

Check out some of the photos from the ‘Bedtime Adventures’ tour below.


